Nurturing God’s Family

2015-2016 School Board Theme
nuturing family

“. . . you are members of the household of God.”  Eph 2:19

Every year, our board chooses a spiritual theme, which serves as our inspiration and spiritual focus. The theme for the 2015-16 school year is Nurturing God’s Family.

We are all part of God’s family – brothers and sisters who are loved by God our father. We are called to value and honour the role of family in our lives, whether it is our global family, church family, board family or those who are closest to us. The role of the family is to nurture. When we nurture something, we are encouraging its growth and development. We care for people so that they can become who God created them to be, helping them to grow and develop their unique abilities. We will see our theme come alive throughout the school year as we continue to build and nurture loving communities.