Located in Bracebridge, Ontario,
Canada, our school is home to over 200 students in grades 9-12. Our
motto is "Spirit of Youth," and our mission is "Together in Truth and
Love." Taken together, these sentiments express the powerful and
cohesive sense of family in St. Dominic Catholic Secondary School.
St. Dominic proudly continues the Catholic education journey of students
from Monsignor Michael O'Leary Catholic School in Bracebridge, Saint
Mary's Catholic School in Huntsville, and St. Peter the Apostle Catholic
School in Parry Sound.
As well, Open Access means any
high-school aged student in Muskoka/Parry Sound may attend St. Dominic
CSS. With our innovative programs, excellent teachers, and demonstrated
record of high student achievement, St. Dominic prepares students for
life after high school, whether in work, apprenticeships, college or
This year students and staff will travel to Tanzania with Free the Children to
contribute to the construction and development of schools. We plan to continue our international development activities
in the coming year.
For more information about St.
Dominic, or to request a registration package, please contact the school
at (705) 646-8772, ext. 300.